OpenTunnel Designer CONNECT Edition Help

How to Define Forepoles

In the case of forepoles reinforcement, user has 2 options to define the geometry, Wizard and Define. For a quick layout, one can use the Wizard, that will automatically create the circles around the path given by the theoretical excavation shape. If the result is not the one intended, the user can use the Reset option and then input new values. If modifications are needed, one can enter the 2d sketcher mode by using the Define option and manually add/remove elements.

In Define mode, the user has 2 options for tagging the geometry:
  • Tag geometry as circle - the diameter of the tagged circle will be used for the 3d element in the model; the length of the column will be specified by the user in the tag tool;
  • Tag geometry as region - this option is to be used for PLAXIS transfer only; the tool searches a closed shape that represent the area of the improved soil to be sent to PLAXIS.

    Tag forepoles as circle

    Tag forepoles as area

  • Once the user saves his changes, in the GUI the following information can be seen:
    • The current number of the defined columns.
    • The material that is to be assigned to all columns.
    • The user can specify if this information is to be sent to PLAXIS or not.
    • The user can specify if this information is to be sent to PLAXIS as circles or region.
Note: When placing the forepoles columns in the 3D model, only the elements that have been defined as circles will be created. The elements defined as region will be used only for PLAXIS transfer.